Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Things I Learned From Betty Lou - You Need a Hot Skillet

This is a new thing - we will see where it goes.

Nanny made cornbread almost every day for years. She slowed down when she got older, but I remember every day the butter beans and cornbread.  She would let me help and she would teach me how to make whatever she was making. Cornbread was no exception. Her first rule for the best cornbread?  You have to start with a really hot skillet. The batter won't rise as well if the skillet is cold. 

What's your spiritual connect with this?  Don't wait until you get to church to get fired up.  Get hot BEFORE you get to church and church will take on a whole new meaning. Understanding will be deeper and you will go higher...just like the cornbread.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Here Sits a Dreamer

Here sits a dreamer. Wrapped in blankets of gold, lights low, candles glowing, this dreamer sits. And writes. The dreamer dares to dream dreams that seem impossible. To the surrounding world, yes, impossible. 

The dreamer remembers the soft words spoken to her all those days ago, the Voice that sometimes is so faint the dreamer can barely hear. But hear, she does. And she remembers. She remembers the dreams and the destiny given to her by her God. In the still of the night she holds those dreams close and wonders how her destiny plays out- how do the impossible circumstances change? Did she hear the Voice correctly? He assures her that her dreams shall come true. He gently reminds her that His promises are "yes" and "amen." 

He reminds He is not a man that He should lie. The dreamer decides to trust what she knows she has been promised will come to pass. The Voice reminds her that she is His princess....

                                                                       ....and dreams come true, if you only believe....