"Lucy woke out of the deepest sleep you can imagine, with the feeling that the voice she liked best in the world had been calling her name." C. S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
Lucy heard Aslan calling her name. The sound made her heart beat faster. She was even brave enough to leave the safety of her family to go search for him.
"...Scarcely had I passed them when I found him whom my soul loves. I held him and would not let him go..." Song of Solomon 3:4
"She rushed to him. She felt her heart would burst if she lost a moment." C. S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
Longing, desire to spend time with One whom she knows and loves. She recognized his voice. It starts on page 378. Go read it. Lucy had to seek Aslan. He called her, but she had to find him. Through the dancing trees (what little girl wouldn't be distracted by dancing trees??), through the dark, into the unknown.
When is the last time you sought Him like that? He will call, He always does. Do you hear past the television, radio, work load, party, or whatever you have going on to hear Him calling you to spend time with Him? Would you brave the dark and the dancing trees to get to Him?
He's calling....find Him. It will change your world.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
How Big is YOUR God?
C. S. Lewis.
The Chronicles of Narnia.
WHO doesn't love them??
C.S. Lewis used his wonderful story-telling ability to speak Truth to the young, and young-at-heart. If you haven't read the books (or seen the movies), stop what you're doing and check them out. Look for Truth in them. It's there.
"Thus says the LORD: Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool; what is the house that you would build for me, and what is the place of my rest?" Isaiah 66:1 ESV
When we are children, little children, it is easy to believe in a God who is big enough to hold the world in His hands, most children even know the words to the song (He's got the whole world.....). Why is it so easy to believe when we are so small? Because we ARE so small! Everything is bigger than we are, except the little brother or sister that mom and dad brought home from the hospital.
As we get taller, supposedly smarter, we can "logic" God into a smaller, easier to digest size. Some of us get to full height and manage to smush God into a tiny little box we can put on the shelf. We have logic-ed ourselves into containing God in a way that our brains can wrap around and make sense of. Because God works that way. NOT!
Read the quote. It doesn't say "every year you that you get taller". It says "every year you grow, you will find me bigger". What's the difference?
When we spend time with God we GROW. When we spend time in His Word and absorb the wonders that ARE who He is, we grow. And as we grow, we can see Him getting bigger and bigger. It's all optical illusion- He is all. God is ALL. We just have to grow enough to see it, like we did when we were little and loved reading fairy tales. When we grow into Him like a child.
Anyone up for a children's book?
May 13, 1987
Twenty-six years ago today my brother died. There are times it seems a lifetime ago. There are other times that is seems like it just happened.
You know, you never "get over it".
"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and unspeakable love."
Washington Irving
I pray peace to each of you who grieves the loss of a loved one. May God wrap you in His arms and you feel His overwhelming love and amazing grace.
My brother, you are much loved and very missed.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Getting Wrecked By The Homeless

God settles the solitary in a home; he leads out the prisoners to prosperity, but the rebellious dwell in a parched land.
Psalm 68:6
"J" at the park. Alone in the corner crying. She's a beautiful woman. Another who didn't/couldn't come up at altar time. Jesus saw her tears. She was/is trying to get home to Mississippi due to some financial problems. Her car was repossessed Friday- she's trying to get home and had a bus ticket to leave this morning and "just happened" to see us at the park.
You can tell she is trying to be strong.
"D" finally got his poem to me. It's about Jesus loving him, dying for him- he was searching for love and ran into Someone who was willing to die for him. That is huge. In the suburbs, safe at home, can it be as fully understood as it can by someone who lives on the streets, or at least, not in conventional housing? Dying is a very real possibility. We all will, but we all don't come face to face with it that often. Does "D"s understanding how much Jesus loves him mean he will completely change his life?
Historically, the answer is "no".
I believe all things are possible with God and that can change the man's destiny. If the man allows it. God is no respecter of persons, but He is a gentleman and He won't force the man to change. I don't know if Sunday mornings at the park are the only times people show the man Jesus, but Jesus is talking to the man's heart. We pray the man heeds the whisper that is calling his name and allows the Lord to have all the control of his life.
A few nights ago I saw one of our homeless men give his coat to another man who didn't have one. It was an amazing sight, "That was awesome, " I tell him. "Dude was cold. I can get another coat," he says.
A pre-warmed coat. THAT is Jesus-love.
It's also depending on his needs being met. Who else would have given up their coat like that?
Another woman we serve brought us three coats she had acquired before service started. She had gotten them for another lady who either didn't want them or didn't need them. She wanted to give them to us to make sure they went to someone who needed them. How cool is that?
Jesus says they know Him. They don't need us always pounding Jesus at them. They know Jesus and they depend on Him. Some need a release from a rebellious spirit. They need someone to show them how to get out of where they are. They need the will to change. Then they need someone willing to teach them.
Who's willing?
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